The Inspiration behind writing this guide

I intend to keep this guide free and updated.

The story behind writing this guide is that one day at Lenoir Dining, me and a peer (both majoring in CS and were students in their final semester to graduate) were discussing our experience of the CS program here at UNC. My peer was saying that CS at UNC was a hard major for him (he was doing STOR+CS, and he said that STOR was an easy major from his experience. By the way, I only majored in CS). I randomly said that I would like to create a guide for CS Students at UNC, which gives them a guided journey throughout the 4 years. My peer after hearing this said, "Every graduating CS major thinks about doing this".

Instead of just leaving the talk we had as a talk, I decided to make an All-in-One CS Guide as I understood how beneficial it can be for students. What usually happens is that students search for information on Reddit, which is scattered all over the place and sometimes it is difficult to find specific information. I used Reddit for information throughout my journey and have accumulated all that knowledge (including other sources of information too) into this guide. This All-in-One Guide has information in one place. It saves the hassle of trying to search for information when it can be scattered.


Start Here

Must Read Comprehensive Advice

Read all the main advice you need from the beginning to the end of your student journey relating to CS at UNC.


Must Click

Important Links

Most of the important links needed to navigate your journey relating to CS at UNC.



All other content for this Guide Site

Intro to UNC CS

Learn about UNC and the CS Deaprtment.

CS Curriculum at UNC

Learn about the CS Curriculum for the degrees.

Study Strategy

Learn about the study strategy for succeeding.

Difficulty Comparison of Courses

Learn about which courses are difficult.

In Respose to this Guide

Some criticism I have received.

Course Related Advice

Advice related to different courses.

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