Tips for COMP210

Data Structures and Analysis

There is a placement test for COMP210 only available in the summer.

The prerequisites for this course are COMP110 and MATH231.

You can also transfer a COMP210 equivalent course if you have taken it at another college. If it is not accepted the first time, submit a reevaluation in connect carolina.

Is this a hard course? It is hard if you don't study regularly and practice the concepts/topics. Make flashcards to memorize the Time Complexities. Solve a lot of questions related to finding the time complexity and conceptual questions related to data structures. If these things are done right you will do well on the exam and also realize how easy this course is.

COMP210 is important for the foundational knowledge needed for Leetcode-styled coding interviews. So study well.

All necessary information on COMP210 is in their respective semester-wise course offering link.

Course Offerings Links:

Video Playlist Links:

The topics covered are:

Java Programming:

  • IntelliJ IDE
  • Data Types (Value Data Types, Reference Data types)
  • Statements
  • Operators
  • Variables
  • Access Modifiers
  • Scopes
  • Arrays
  • Control Flow (Condition Statements, While Loops, For Loops)
  • Functions/Procedures/Methods
  • Classes and Objects
  • Memory Stack
  • Memory Heap
  • Recursion
  • Fields
  • Constructor
  • Instance Methods
  • Class methods
  • Abstract Data Types
  • Interfaces
  • Generic types
  • Encapsulation
  • JUnit Testing
Data Structures:

  • Big O Notation
  • Time Complexity
  • Code Analysis
  • Lists
  • Linked Lists
  • Array
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Sorting
  • Trees
  • Tree Traversals
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Traversals (Pre-Order, Post-Order, In-Order)
  • Binary Trees
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Balanced Binary Trees
  • Priority Queues
  • BinaryMinTree
  • Binary Heap
  • AVL Trees
  • Red Black Trees
  • Hashing and HashMaps
  • Graphs (Directed, Undirected, Paths, Cycles, Directed Acyclic Graphs, Other Types of Graphs)
  • Shortest Paths
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • Minimum Spanning Trees
  • Kruskal's Algorithm
  • Prim's Algorithms
  • Professor David Stotts has a "Skip List" reading in his version of the course.

Check the Study Strategy.

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