Choosing Professors and Courses

It's time to choose

On each and every tips section of courses I have not commented if a professor teaches good or bad. I personally don't like doing so on a public guide site. I would say that it's your own duty to ask a lot of students who have taken the course with the professor how the course and the professor were. Don't ask only one or two students, ask a lot of students. If you ask one or two students it could be that the student was biased or did not study well and gave their biased opinion. There is a site called Rate My Professor where you can search what ratings students gave the professor and what students have written about the professor. The problem here is that anyone can put anything on Rate My Professor, since it is a publicly open platform, so at times you may get the appropriate information and at times you may get the wrong information from Rate My Professor. Some professors have fewer reviews and ratings, which makes it difficult to decide. That's why I encourage everyone to give honest and accurate reviews and ratings. If it so happens that you don't like the professor and it's the only professor for the course, and it's a course you wanted to take because of its content, you should take the course. You can decide within the drop deadline if you want to continue to take the course or not.

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